Beering, Peter S. Top 10 reasons why prosecutors reject arson cases.
Firehouse. Vol 20 No 8 (August 1995). p 44-45.
Abstract: This article discusses some of the reasons why an arson
case might not be considered for prosecution by a prosecutor's office. The
article highlights issues that, if avoided or minimized, will help the investigator
see a successful conclusion to the case. These include areas such as proper
scene documentation, conducting thorough interviews, using proper investigative
methodology, avoiding political bickering, well prepared incident reports,
and proper evidence collection, among others.
Peter S. Beering is general counsel for the Indianapolis, IN, Department
of Public Safety, chief arson prosecutor for the Marion County Prosecutors
Office and an 18-year fire fighter with the Washington Township Fire Department.
He is the only prosecutor in the United States who is also a Certified Fire
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