ATF National Laboratories
ATF Laboratory Examinations
- handwriting and handprinting comparisons
- typewriting comparisons
- obliterations and alterations
- indented writing
- plastic typewriter ribbon deciphering
- photocopy/copier comparisons
- dating of documents
- ink and paper analysis
- examination of rubber stamps, embossed seals
- characterization of faxes
- torn or burned documents
- tire/shoe impressions
- physical matches of stamps, documents
Handling Document Evidence
- Identify:
- use a pencil & write the case & exhibit number on it's reverse
- Protect:
- use a document protector (GSA 7510-00-233-7685) -or- use an ATF evidence
envelope (ATF Form 3400.13)
- do not fold or staple document
- do not unnecessarily mark or write on document
- do not attempt to repair damaged documents
- indented writing analysis is always possible!
Obtaining Writing Samples
- Collected writings made in the past and admitted by the writer
- Writings witnessed by another person
- Legal/government/official documents
- Any writings produced in the "normal course of business"
- Dictated obtained from the suspect on direct request
- Have the suspect write under the same original writing conditions (have
the person stand, sit, etc.)
- dictate exactly from the questioned document
- do not allow the suspect to see questioned document
- do not assist with spelling
- get right-handed and left-handed samples
Collection & Packaging
- ATF 4473's
- Always submit the original ATF Form 4473
- Additionally, if the suspect is available:
- have them fill out a new atf form 4473
supplement an ATF Handwriting Form 7130.7
- Include known "course of business writings"
- Additionally, if the suspect is unavailable:
- submit any "course of business" writings
- submit fingerprint cards if available
- collect at least 6 known signatures
- Remember, the more exemplars, the better!
Charred Documents
- Collection, packaging and transportation of these types of documents
is extremely critical!
- Allow wet documents to dry
- Do not pick up by hand
- Work in draft-free area
- Use a sturdy matrix (piece of sheet metal, etc.) if document must be
- Package in its original container (garbage can, etc)
in a container which will not allow the document to shift
- If possible, hand-carry evidence to lab
Typewriter Evidence
- Submit:
- all original documents
- typewriter
- ribbon (do not wind)
- all other elements (wheels, balls)
- If typewriter cannot be submitted:
- use a new ribbon or mark the original ribbon properly
- use similar-type paper & type all characters
- type questioned document & include all typos & pitches available
(10, 12, 15 cpi)
- record location, make, model, & serial # on each sample
- sign and date all specimens
- Submit all original documents
- At each darkness setting, submit 9 copies of:
- bare glass; cover down
- plain white paper; cover down
- paper w/ typed or printed text; cover down
- Note photocopier location, make, model and serial # on all exemplars
- Sign and date all specimens
- Submit the original document
- Computer generated or faxed documents, mechanical impressions--call
the lab for advice
Reprinted with permission.