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Fire Stops With You. The National Arson Prevention Initiative: Six Month Report to the President. Federal Emergency Management Agency. December 19, 1996.

Abstract: President Clinton established the National Arson Prevention Initiative (NAPI) in June of 1996. This document is a six-month report on the progress of the NAPI and also outlines the future goals of the organization.

The six most notable accomplishments of the initiative are explained in detail in the report. They are:

1) The National Arson Prevention Clearinghouse was created by FEMA and has become a valuable resource of information for states and communities across the U.S. It has also distributed over 300,000 information packets on arson prevention.

2) The Bureau of Justice Assistance has made substantial grants to 13 targeted Southern states to increase church surveillance and prevent church arson.

3) Americorps and VISTA volunteers visited 18 communities that had experienced church arson and 73 other communities that are vulnerable to church arson. They conducted surveys and provided information about arson prevention.

4) $774,000 was distributed by FEMA to all fifty states and the District of Columbia to enhance State and local arson investigations and expand arson prevention programs.

5) HUD allowed the use of Community Development Block Grant and Public Housing Assistance funds to support community-based arson prevention.

6) The ATF organized and participated in hundreds of community meetings discussing arson prevention.

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