Example Lab Results on Samples From Canine Alert
For a debris sample collected at the site of a canine alert, typical language from a positive lab result would be:
"Exhibit is a debris sample from the top of coffee table. The debris was composed of magazines.
This exhibit was examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the presence of ignitable liquids. A mixture of gasoline and heavy petroleum distillate was detected in the exhibit. Examples of heavy petroleum distillates include kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil #1 and #2, some charcoal lighter fluids, Jet A fuel, and solvents for some insecticides.
The exhibit will be retained pending your disposition."
For a debris sample collected at the site of a canine alert, typical language from a negative lab result would be:
"Exhibit is a debris sample from the floor behind the couch along the south wall of the living room.
This exhibit was examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the presence of ignitable liquids. No ignitable liquids were detected in this exhibit.
The exhibit will be retained pending your disposition."
For an item alerted on by a canine and appeared to contain raw gasoline, typical language from a positive lab result would be:
"Exhibit is a 1.5 liter spring water bottle. The water brand is "Totally Natural Spring." Packaged in a separate container with the spring water bottle is a vial of yellow-tinted liquid sampled from inside the spring water bottle container.
The liquid sample in this exhibit was examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the presence of ignitable liquids. Gasoline was detected in the exhibit.
The exhibit will be retained pending your disposition."
For an item alerted on by a canine, typical language from a positive lab result would be:
"Exhibit is a brown paper bag.
This exhibit was examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the presence of ignitable liquids. A mixture of gasoline and heavy petroleum distillate was detected in the exhibit. Examples of heavy petroleum distillates include kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil #1 and #2, some charcoal lighter fluids, Jet A fuel, and solvents for some insecticides.
The exhibit will be retained pending your disposition."
For debris alerted on by a canine with a comparison sample, typical language from a positive lab result would be:
"Exhibit is a carpet sample from the floor at the north side of the coffee table in the living room.
This exhibit was examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the presence of ignitable liquids. Gasoline was detected in the exhibit. This was compared with a control sample collected from the same carpet at another location in the room. Gasoline was not detected in the control sample. Therefore, gasoline is not a natural by-product of the carpet.
The exhibit will be retained pending your disposition."