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Demers, David. An SOP For Chimney Fires. Fire Command. January, 1985.

Abstract: The article outlines the Standard Operating Procedure the Lunenburg Fire Department follows for chimney fires. A systematic size-up ensures that important information is not left out. Communication is vital to keeping people on the ground informed. Portable radios are essential for this task and messages should be kept short. The article lists the equipment firefighters in Lunenburg carry, which includes chimney nozzle made by Jaffrey Fire Protection. The department has found that this nozzle works well and provides a nice stream.

Whether or not to open up the concealed spaces around the chimney and fireplace is a difficult question to answer. The Lunenburg Fire Department does not have a clear-cut answer. The decision requires knowledge and experience. The procedure simply states, "when in doubt, do not leave the scene." Open up the surrounding areas carefully and explain to the homeowner what is being done and why.

The SOP also emphasizes safety. It is easy to ignore safety precautions because chimney fires have become routine. The article reminds firefighters to always observe the necessary safety measures.

Fire Command is out of print. For information on obtaining articles from back issues, contact:
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