Concrete Core Sections Can Provide Concrete Sampling Results. Fire Findings.
Volume 3 Number 1. Winter 1995
Abstract: Fire Findings conducted an experiment to determine the
best way to test for accelerants in concrete. On a concrete surface, a triangle
section was marked where the gasoline was poured. Samples were take before
the fire to be compared with those taken after the fire. The structure was
burned to the ground and the debris was cleared. Core samples were taken
by drilling through the concrete floor seam. Flour samples were taken by
moistening the area and spreading flour. The flour samples produced no detectable
accelerant residue. However, the core samples all contained detectable traces
of gasoline. Fire Findings concluded that taking core cement samples produces
the best results.
For more information, contact:
Fire Findings L.L.C.
2026 Plaza Dr.
PO Box 8637
Benton Harbor, MI 49023
Voice: (269) 925-2200
Fax: (269) 925-2204