Burnette, Guy E., Ettling, Bruce V. NFPA 921: Now We're Talking. National
Fire & Arson Report. Vol. 13, No. 3 (September 1995), p 1+.
Abstract: This article offers a dialogue between the authors,
both of whom are responding to the National Fire & Arson Report's previously
published articles on NFPA 921.
Bruce Ettling, a member of the NFPA 921 committee, but responding personally,
addressed Guy Burnette's article in which specific points of the NFPA 921
were raised and questioned. He revisits several of these points, sharing
his own experience to support their inclusion in the guide. He concludes
by stating that testimony is often inherently unreliable and that NFPA 921
does not make it more so. It is therefore reasonable to take advantage of
the growing number of reliable methodologies which will support investigative
conclusions. Guy Burnette responds accordingly, respectfully disagreeing
with the mandate of the NFPA 921 and concluding that the real issue is not
the way in which investigators perform their responsibilities, but rather,
the challenge presented to investigators by the uncertainty which NFPA 921
has introduced to the field.
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copy, call 1-800-694-2313.