Woodstove Installation Guide. Massachusetts State Building Code Commission
and Massachusetts Energy Office. December, 1978.
Abstract: This publication is intended for local Massachusetts
building officials. There is a section that describes the typical stove
types and diagrams are included. Another section provides a glossary of
frequently used terms. There is a regulations section, which explains what
aspects of the stoves and fireplaces need to be checked and what to look
for. Underwriter Laboratories has developed four different test procedures
and they are outlined in the Standards section. The installation section
explains the Massachusetts codes that must be followed when installing a
wood burning stove and chimney. The last section provides references, including
what articles of the Massachusetts State Building Code apply to wood stoves
and chimneys.
For more information contact:
State Building Code Commission
One Ashburton Place, Room 1305
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
(617) 727-6916
Massuchusetts Energy Office
73 Tremont Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
(617) 727-4732