Insurance Fraud, ICPI Handbook For Insurance Personnel. Insurance Crime
Prevention Institute. Westport, CT. 1990.
Abstract: The Insurance Crime Prevention Institute was founded
to help gather the evidence necessary for a successful prosecution of those
who commit fraud against the insurance industry. The ICPI designed this
handbook for use by insurance personnel as a general guide to insurance
fraud. The subjects covered in this manual are automobile accident schemes,
medical/legal fraud, burglary/theft fraud, arson for profit/fire, and other
property fraud. The arson for profit section discusses commercial arson
and residential arson. A list of general arson indicators is also provided.
For more information, contact:
National Insurance Crime Bureau (formerly the Insurance Crime Prevention
10330 S. Roberts Road, Executive Office 3A,
Palos Hills, IL 60465
Phone: (708) 430-2430