Arson and Explosives National Repository
The Arson and Explosives National Repository will provide investigators
with automated access to data on trends and incidents regarding the criminal
misues of explosives and arson incidents. Information from the United States
Fire Administration's (USFA's) National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS);
the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI's) Bomb Data Center (BDC) and
Uniform Crime Report (UCR); and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms'
(ATF's) Arson and Explosives Incidents System (AEXIS), as well as other
sources, will be imported in to the Repository and made available to authorized
ATF is currently planning for and developing a system to allow access
to Repository data by law enforcement and fire investigators. Investigators
will be granted access to incident specific information such as target structure,
device construction, placement, method of initiation and suspected motives.
The general public is currently able to obtain summary data from the
Repository (e.g., geographic statistical information) via the ATF Web site.
ATF's goal of reducing violent crime--particularly those crimes committed
through the use of arson and explosives--is one of its highest priorities.
Your support and suggestions for improving the system are welcome. We
look forward to working with you to make all our communities safer places
in which to live and work.
You may contact the Arson and Explosives National Repository at: (202)
927-4590, FAX (202) 927-4570, or
I. Basic Incident Information
A. Identification
B. Location of Incident
C. Incident Type
D. Incident Dates & Times
E. Actions Taken by Reporting Agency
F. Estimated Property Value & Loss
G. Casualties
H. Mixed Use Property
I. Property Use
J. Person/Entity Involved
K. Property Owner
L. Submitting Official
II. Fire Incident Information
A. Ignition
B. Cause of Ignition
C. Human Factors Contributing to Ignition
D. Equipment Involved in Ignition
E. Mobile Property Involvement
III. Structure Information
A. Structure Type
B. Building Status
C. Presence of Detectors
D. Detector Operation
E. Detector Effectiveness
F. Detector Failure Reason
G. Presence of Automatic Extinguishment System
H. Automatic Extinguishment System Operation
I. Automatic Extinguishment System Failure Reason
IV. Wildland Fire Information
A. Alternate Location Specification
B. Latitude/Longitude
C. Section/Township Range/Meridian
D. Meridian Designations
E. Wildland Fire Cause
F. Human Factors Contributing to Ignition
G. Heat Source
H. Property Management
V. Arson Information
A. Agency Referred To
B. Availability of Material First Ignited
C. Suspected Motivation
D. Group/s Involved
E. Method of Entry
F. Incendiary Methods/Devices
G. Other Investigative Information
H. Property Ownership
I. Initial Observations Relating to Property Security
J. Laboratory Used
K. Case Status
L. Subject/Persons of Interest
Reprinted with permission from the author.