Arson Prevention Programs: A Sampling of Approaches
by Robert A. Corry
This section of the interFIRE VR Resource File offers the fire/arson
investigator some prevention ideas on how communities across American have
used innovation to help resolve underlying factors to their local arson
Click on the section to review the programs listed.
1. Property Management
- Little Rock, Arkansas - Plan to speed handling of condemned buildings
- New York City--Insurance Industry Abandoned Building Anti-Arson Program
- Boston, Massachusetts "Project Pride"--A community based
organization takes on drug buildings
- Frederick, Maryland--Mayor's Plan Tackles Blighted Properties
- New Haven, Connecticut - $2.4 million grant goes to Yale University
for New Haven neighborhood
- Boston, Massachusetts - City Gets $60 Million for low cost housing
- New York City--Not-for-Profit Developers
- United States Tourism promoters bank on America's Industrial past.
2. Public-Private Partnerships
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--In some cities rehabilitating neighborhoods
and creating jobs are linked.
- Lawrence, Massachusetts - Volunteers Rehab Vacant Property; Habitat
for Humanity Program
- Nashua, New Hampshire - Habitat for Humanities needs volunteers
- Lowell, Massachusetts - A multi-phase control program for blighted
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Insurance Company Gets Directly Involved
in a Blighted Neighborhood
- Boston, Massachusetts--Bringing Back Blue Hill Avenue (Ghetto Revitalization)
- Los Angeles, California - Lemons into Lemonade
- East Boston, Massachusetts--A Community Revitalization Program
- Jersey City, New Jersey - Using a computer to control crime in a blighted
- Holyoke, Massachusetts - Grants to fight crime
- New York City - Private Sector Corporations Help Rehabilitate Blighted
Properties in Exchange for a Federal Tax Break
- Lawrence, Massachusetts--Public/Private Cooperation. Community Needs
Housing Creativity, Patience (Editorial) Christine McKenna
- Waltham, Massachusetts--Downtown Revitalization
- Boston, Massachusetts - Managing City Government
3. Jobs
- Boston, Massachusetts--Youthbuild Program
- Utica, New York - Master Building Crafts Skills Training Program
- Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts--Youth in Construction
- Boston, Massachusetts--Inmates Seal Abandoned Buildings & Improve
- Suffolk County, Massachusetts--Sheriff Rufo shows off his "Big
4. Use of the Civil Law to Control Blight
- Framingham, Massachusetts - An Innovative Building Commissioner fights
Crime and Blight
5. Massachusetts Attorney General Initiatives
- Abandoned Housing Recovery Project
- "Operation Take Back"
1. Property Management
Little Rock, Arkansas - Plan to speed handling of condemned buildings
Little Rock had a 250 building backlog of condemned buildings in 1985.
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When this fails staff decisions are made and a municipal ordinance is
executed making the building "Condemned".
A letter is written immediately giving the owner four compliance options
to select from in 20 days. Provisions are in the law for absentee landlords.
The options are:
- The owner can repair the building by a certain date and provide an
affidavit to the city of such intent.
- The owner can raze the building on his own and clean up the lot, providing
an affidavit is given to the city that this will be done by a certain date.
- The owner can give the building and the lot to the city to determine
handling of the building.
- The owner can executive an agreement, authorizing the city to raze
the building and attach a lien to the property to recover the costs.
If these options fail, a warrant is issued and the owner has thirty days
to deal with the condemned building.
If this fails, the case is turned over to the municipal court that takes
sixty days to act on the case. According to the article, the city attorney
said this system was a fantastic success. No warrants were issued and the
large backlog of condemned buildings was cleared up in twelve months.
Source: The Building Official and Code Administrator Magazine. March/April
1986. P. 38
New York City--Insurance Industry Abandoned Building Anti-Arson Program
In tough neighborhoods such as Harlem and Brooklyn, buildings at-risk
were being secured with masonry block and heavy-gauge sheet metal protecting
windows and doors.
The city's Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) realized
that the stepped up seal program could help many small contracting and construction
firms acquire skills for the work and at the same time learn to bid on public
projects. Capital to pay contractors was available through federal Community
Development Act funds.
Eligibility rules for contractors were specific. A candidate had to have
at least ten years experience in construction or rehabilitation, with at
least two years of work in brick masonry. Those with more than $10,000 in
working capital were considered ineligible since capital accumulation by
under-financed contractors was considered one of the program's goals. As
employers, applicants had to be able to obtain federal tax numbers and provide
adequate insurance coverage for their crews. Finally, they had to certify
that they weööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööt administrative control ñ
in the targeting of the buildings, in the selection and training of the
contractors, and in the continuous monitoring of the work. AIA Executive
Vice President Lawrence M. Zippen said, "We haven't lost track of a
single dollar and everybody won."
The 6,000 buildings selected by the HPD and the Strike Force fell into
two categories; first, about half had been taken for taxes and were owned
out-right by the city. The rest, privately held, had been declared "Vacant,
Open, and Unguarded" for which court orders can be obtained for sealing
or demolition when owners ignore repeated summonses. Neither the HPD nor
the Arson Strike Force has any record of a fire--deliberate or otherwise--in
a building sealed in the course of this program.
The New York City Mayor's Office number is (212) 788-9600.
Source: The Fire Journal, September 1983
Boston, Massachusetts "Project Pride"--A community based
organization takes on drug buildings
The people who had lived in the building were drug dealers and junkies
who terrorized their neighbors, turning this Roxbury (Mass) rooming house
into a kind of Amityville Horror, police said. Last week after one of the
squatters had tried to burn the place down rather than leave it by being
forced out, a swarm of city agencies did its own kind of exorcism, clearing
the house and boarding it up.
The building became the 206th vacant or illegally occupied building to
be taken over by the city through Project Pride, a multi-agency program
that began three years ago. Under the program that received $325,000 directly
from the city as many as ten agencies cooperate to target abandoned buildings
that residents say have become havens for drug dealers or squatters. John
Eade, Boston Inspectional Services Department Commissioner, is knowledgeable
about the program. The telephone number for Boston City Hall connecting
all departments is (617) 635-4000.
A synopsis of program features:
- Prison inmates are employed to board the buildings and to paint the
plywood panels depicting colorful window scenes that have become the project's
trademark in scarred neighborhoods.
- National guard troops train the inmates and provide equipment for boarding.
- Private companies donate some of the wood and paint.
- Renovations are funded by roughly $2 million of a federal block grant
that is threatened by proposed cuts in national housing programs in Washington.
As many as 100 privately owned homes have also been renovated by landlords
who feared losing them to the city. Project coordinators have hosted tours
for officials from cities as far away as Oslo, Norway. Anthony Ficarra,
Code Enforcement Director in Syracuse, N.Y. visited the program.
Source: Boston Globe, March 19, 1995, p. 1 (3rd section)
Frederick, Maryland--Mayor's Plan Tackles Blighted Properties
A quiet cheer erupted from Frederick's Board of Alderman when Mayor Jim
Grimes asked them to support "Demolition by Neglect" legislation
next year.
The mayor said, "As I walk the streets everyday I see the number
of buildings that need to be addressed. We are not getting cooperation from
the building owners to do anything. The city needs some mechanism to force
these people to bring their property up to par to protect the values of
other buildings. There are buildings that have been boarded up for the past
twenty years since the flood. There is no excuse for this!"
City Planning Director, James Schmersahl also believes the law is needed.
He recommended inviting Hagerstown (PA) officials into Frederick (Maryland)
to share their Demolition by Neglect law and what it takes to get one. The
Frederick Mayor's Office telephone number is (301) 635-4000.
Source: The Frederick (Maryland) Post, September 13, 1996, p.1
New Haven, Connecticut - $2.4 million grant goes to Yale University
for New Haven neighborhood
U.S. Housing & Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros announced
a $2.4 million grant to Yale University for a "town-gown" partnership
that he predicted would become a "beacon for the country." Yale
was one of five universities nationwide that received grants to benefit
their home cities.
The three year grant will be used to revitalized New Haven's Dwight neighborhood,
a blighted high-crime area just northwest of the campus where fewer than
20% of the houses are occupied by owners. During the past five years the
neighborhood has experienced a steady dwindling of small businesses and
residences. Many of the abandoned buildings have been vandalized and vacant
lots are filled with litter.
The grant will provide a variety of programs including
- Renovation of buildings and the Dwight Elementary School.
- Help for local citizens with job training and job placement.
- Loans for small businesses.
- Increased neighborhood security.
With the help of Yale, the city and local bank-backed projects and other
partners, more than $6 million will be put toward the effort to improve
the Dwight neighborhood, in addition to the HUD grant. The New Haven Mayor's
Office telephone number is (203) 946-7700.
Source: The Springfield (Massachusetts) Republican Newspaper, (unknown
Boston, Massachusetts - City Gets $60 Million for low cost housing
The city is to receive $60 million private grant to build 1,500 units
of affordable housing over the next five years. The funds are Boston's share
of a 1.8 billion national program funded by the Local Initiative Support
Corporation (LISI), a New York based nonprofit firm that draws its funds
principally from corporate and private donations. Nine other cities, including
New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia and the State of California will receive
Boston's funding will be channeled through community development program
in neighborhoods.
A new, permanent tax credit for building low-income housing has made
it easier for groups such as the Local Initiative Support Corporation to
raise money for such projects. Paul Grogan is the executive director of
the Local Initiative Support Corporation. The Boston City Hall telephone
number connecting all departments is (617) 635-4000.
Source: The Boston Globe, December 15, 1993, p.33
New York City--Not-for-Profit Developers
The city wisely avoided the high-rise, high-density model for public
housing and turned instead to small-scale building and re-habilitation projects,
often carried out by not-for-profit developers spawned by local church and
community groups. These developers handled everything from construction
to teaching first-time homebuyers to apply for mortgages in communities
that the banks too, had abandoned.
Mayor Edward Koch's administration rebuilt 50,000 new houses and apartments.
This program is a reminder that public-private partnerships have a strong
role to play in the lives of cities and citizens. The present housing commissioner,
Deborah C. Wright, has plans for building on top of the previous administration's
success. The Mayor's Office number is (212) 788-9600.
Source: The New York Times, May 2, 1995 p.20
United States Tourism promoters bank on America's Industrial past.
Since the 1980's the U.S. Congress has created six national heritage
areas that celebrate--and promote--a region's past and the story of its
settlement. Another one hundred are under consideration, about one-third
of which are focused on industrial and labor heritage in particular, said
Alan Turnbull, outdoor recreational planner for the National Park Service.
Some regional programs to take advantage of historical/industrial significance:
Pawtucket, Rhode Island: A boat tour down the Blackstone River to commemorate
the origins of the American Industrial Revolution in this area. The narrator,
an historian, describes the mills, factory houses and church spires along
the shoreline. In two years the boat rides have drawn 42,000 patrons. In
1995 a evening dinner ride was added that sold out.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: An effort is underway to create tours through
the huge but vacant steel mills remaining in the area and have a narrator
describe their history.
Coplay, Pennslyvania: Visitors tour the only restored industrial site
ñ nine Stonehenge-like kilns in all ñ dedicated to the cement
Gary, Indiana: Tours through steel mills with an historical narration
of the community's melting pot origins.
2. Public Private Partnerships
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--In some cities rehabilitating neighborhoods
and creating jobs are linked.
Chicago, Illinois--"Homan Square," a part of the "New
Homes for Chicago" program, is on the site of the old Sears, Roebucks
& Company headquarters. The master plan calls for 600 affordable units
for sale or rent to be built by the end of the decade. The project, in which
Sears is a partner, will be given to businesses and employers that will
create jobs for local residents. Existing training programs will be used
to prepare residents for these new jobs.
The Chicago City Hall number connecting all departments is (312)744-5000.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--This City has long recognized that rehabilitating
neighborhoods and job creation must go hand-in-hand. Non-profit corporations
have begun cooperating so that housing and commercial development can be
A case in point is the partnership between Althris Shirdan's West Oak
Community Development Corporation and state Representative Dwight Evan's
West Oak Lane Community Development Revitalization Corporation. Individually,
these non-profit corporations have done much to turn around the West Oak
Lane neighborhood.
The partnership has attracted funding from the Annie Casey Foundation
in Baltimore, which plans to spend $5 million in Philadelphia in the next
five years to strengthen and develop job-creation networks.
The Mayor's Office number is (215) 686-1776.
Dallas, Texas--Developer Robert Shaw from Dallas said that moving back
into a city still goes against the grain of most people. The strategy, according
to Shaw, is to identify a target market and attract them. ìMore and
more we see people wanting to live in urban areas, to have real neighborhoods.
Our downtownís are where the jobs are, jobs drive the housing market,
and the housing has to meet the needs of the customers. ì
"Why would they live 20 miles out if we could deliver housing that
offers prestige, peace of mind, provides social amenities, adds to their
leisure time because they don't have to commute, has financial value and
meets their physical needs?" said Shaw.
The Dallas Mayor's Office number is (214) 670-5111.
Fort Worth, Texas--Willam Boesker, President of Sundance Square Corporation,
points to a special improvement district created by the city to spur revitalization
as being a key part of the success. This assistance plus development of
a master plan, tax abatement, and tax investment were keys. Since this project
started a 38-acre track of rental housng in downtown Fort Worth has been
created. Two blocks of restaurants and entertainment businesses have increased
to ten. In 1994, its AMC movie theater outlet anticipated 300,000 paying
customers for the year. The actual figure was 700,000.
The apartments have attracted single professionals, childless young marrieds,
empty nesters and corporate relocation families. "They all fit a profile,"
he said. "They have a pioneering spirit, they were bored with suburbia,
they are willing to live in specially designed small space. Security is
crucial. They love their pets. They are value-conscious."
The Fort Worth Mayor's office telephone number is (817) 871-8900.
Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 25, 1996, p. R10-DSW
Lawrence, Massachusetts - Volunteers Rehab Vacant Property; Habitat
for Humanity Program
With volunteer labor and not a nickel in government funds, the Greater
Lawrence Habitat for Humanity is completing its 11th and 12th houses on
Hancock Street, in the rundown core of this former milltown.
On Railroad Street, the city sold a vacant parcel of land to Habitat
for Humanity for $1. Four duplexes were erected and are now owned by Hispanic
and Cambodian families. These eight families now pay $187.50 per month on
their interest free mortgages and $127.50 in property taxes, totaling less
than one-half of what a similar duplex would rent for in a nicer side of
the city.
Habitat requires 500 hours of labor, or sweat equity, as a down payment
from potential owners.
The sale price includes the estimated cost of the materials, plumbers
and electricians, and the estimated market value of the land. Habitat also
holds a $15,000 second mortgage in abeyance to deter buyers from trying
to sell as a way to make a quick profit.
Once the fifteen homes (in Lawrence) have been built, this Habitat will
become self-sustaining and able to erect or rehab one unit per year without
requiring any additional funds.
The Lawrence Mayor's Office telephone number is (508) 794-5858. Habitat
for Humanities nationwide toll-free number is (800) 334-3308.
Source: The Boston Globe, March 8, 1992 p.1
Nashua, New Hampshire - Habitat for Humanities needs volunteers
A group trying to turn the city's empty and abandoned buildings into
low-cost housing says it is lacking one thing - volunteers. Member of the
Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity, an all-volunteer ecumenical organization
dedicated to providing poor people with their own homes, say their organization
can make a difference if they can convince enough people to lend a hand.
"Without volunteers, we cannot get affiliated with Habitat for Humanity
International and have access to all of the things that they do."
The Nashua Mayor's office number is (603) 594-3300.
The Boston Globe, October 7, 1993, p. 69
Lowell, Massachusetts - A multi-phase control program for blighted
Building and fire department employees spend significant time boarding
up doors and windows of abandoned buildings. They try to patrol the secured
buildings at least once a month to check for needed repairs to security.
Comfed Savings Bank has cooperated with city officials by securing the
many abandoned buildings for which the bank holds mortgages. "We do
that sometimes to protect the asset and to protect the public. If the owner
isn't responding and has walked away, we will basically try to secure the
building," said Donald Ryan of Comfed Bank.
Both Lawrence and Lowell officials have convened meetings with bank officials
on securing properties to which they hold title.
Lawrence City Councilors are considering a law that would require junkyards
to record the name and address of anyone selling them scrap metal.
Lawrence building officials have filed 20 lawsuits against landowners
for failing to secure or demolish their properties.
A Lawrence Housing Court judge issued an arrest warrant for a landlord
who had failed to secure his buildings.
The Lowell City Hall telephone number, connecting all departments, is
(978) 970-4040.
Source: The Boston Globe, (unknown date)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Insurance Company Gets Directly Involved
in a Blighted Neighborhood
Homeowners insurance at reasonable rates is nearly impossible to obtain
if your house falls within certain depressed areas of a city.
Allstate Insurance Company, with headquarters in Chicago, has developed
what it calls its "Neighborhood Partnership Program". For its
pilot program it chose a 240 block area in inner-city Philadelphia to determine
if the company could provide better service and increase its business in
this area if it became directly involved in the daily lives of potential
The company plans to ally itself with the Neighborhood Improvement Council
in an effort to provide standard homeowners policies at competitive rates
and help residents reduce insurance losses. Allstate plans to involve itself
in the daily lives of residents in the neighborhood. Along with local public
safety officials and citizens groups it will help establish "townwatch"
organizations, urge the city to raze or rehabilitate abandoned buildings,
and set up tutorial programs and other activities for neighborhood youth.
Allstate will also hold meetings for its policyholders on ways to reduce
loss and thus keep premium costs down. If losses are reduced, customers
will get a dividend - Allstate will return part of the premium to them as
a reward. This concept is so unusual that it required the approval of the
Pennsylvania Insurance Department.
The Philadelphia Mayor's Office number is (215) 686-1776.
Source: The Boston Globe, August 28, 1997, p. A6
Boston, Massachusetts--Bringing Back Blue Hill Avenue (Ghetto Revitalization)
In his inaugural speech, Bostonís Mayor Thomas Menino promised
to turn over 51 city-owned parcels to developers within a year and fill
at least half of these properties with new businesses within two years.
So far, he has nearly accomplished that promise.
Charles Grigsby, Executive Director of the city's Public Facilities Department
said that some of the parcels had been combined and translated into seven
buildable lots--five of these have been designated for a housing development.
Most of the abandoned buildings along this heavily blighted corridor are
privately owned. City officials have been in touch with owners in an attempt
to spur redevelopment by offering financial help and planning.
This fiscal year the city allocated three million dollars for targeting
this street. Seven major commercial banks have pledged $35 million in flexible
financing to any city enterprise zone, including Blue Hill Avenue, in addition
to other money from various agencies directed at the same cause.
But already, private investment is returning to start a range of businesses,
including a gas station. Cheryl Straughter, owner of the American-style
restaurant Keith's Place moved her business from one end of the avenue into
the enterprise zone where the city is helping to finance the construction
of a new establishment that will have an outdoor cafe. Next door, Altimon
Kelly has just opened a Laundromat--one of the largest in the city.
The Quincy Geneva Housing Development Corp. is rehabilitating 10 units
of residential housing and two year old residential hotels to create 26
low-income units along with 5000-square feet of commercial space. In a separate
project, Nuestra Comunidad (New Community) is developing 20 duplex units
on nearby streets.
"We are starting to see that there are a number of minority individuals
who are sort of in that moderate-income level who are moving back into the
neighborhood", said Reginald Nunnally, Executive Director of the Neighborhood
Development Corporation of Grove Hall and a member of the Blue Hill Avenue
Task Force, a mayoral-appointed group of community organizations.
The Boston City Hall telephone number connecting all departments is (617)
Source: The Boston Sunday Globe, December 3, 1995, p.A29
Los Angeles, California - Lemons into Lemonade
A nonprofit housing organization has turned a decrepit group of vandalized
Hollywood bungalows into low income housing for AIDS patients and preserved
some historically significant buildings in the process. The Hollywood Community
Housing Corporation purchased the St. Andrewís Bungalow Court in
1992 and worked with public & private sector organizations to revitalize
the housing according to Christina Duncan, Corporate Executive Director.
The Los Angeles Mayor's telephone number is (213) 485-2121.
Source: The Los Angeles Times, January 22, 1997, p. 5 in section B.
East Boston, Massachusetts--A Community Revitalization Program
The house was an abandoned, blighted building on a street with more than
its share of problems. Through a pilot program the property was purchased,
rehabilitated and sold to live-in owners.
The program, called the "One-to-Four Family Housing Loan Program"
is a partnership between two non-profit lenders and the city, and operates
in conjunction with local community groups. Involved organizations range
from unions working to help people buy their first home to quasi-federal
agencies struggling to dispose of a vast portfolio of foreclosed homes.
Similar efforts are seen nationally, according to James Pickman, program
secretary for the National Community Development Initiative, a national
consortium of foundations and corporations that helps to fund such projects.
The city and NOAH (a non-profit) had other partners.
The Boston Community Loan Fund and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation
are two non-profit lenders. LISC, a local chapter of a national organization,
receives funding from local churches, which invest in the hope of making
positive social change at the same time as they make some money. The two
lenders joined the city and the state, agreed on the strategy, and started
the "One-to-Four" program. The state and the city each put up
$3.5 million.
The city's money is used for "gap financing."
Using a $370,000 revolving line of credit from LISC and BCLS as well
as credit from other sources, construction soon began. A lottery to award
the house was held. The couple that won made a downpayment of $5,800 and
received a 6.875 percent mortgage with Shawmut Mortgage Company that had
worked closely with NOAH and had promised to provide a mortgage to a qualified
The Boston Mayor's Office number is (617) 635-4000. The LISC toll-free
national number is (800) 635-4071.
Source: The Boston Globe, August 21, 1994 p. A93.
Jersey City, New Jersey - Using a computer to control crime in a blighted
In 1990, faced with an overwhelming drug and crime problem, and with
a chance to get federal grants, the Jersey City Police Department tried
a fresh approach. Using a computer to plot crime incidence to specific corners
and locations targeted police have isolated hotspots for drug dealing, auto
theft, arson and burglary. Pinpoint intensification of police patrols have
had a dramatic effect in reduction of crime in these areas. Anthony A. Braga,
a research associate at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government,
who studies the system, said that police can pinpoint crime activity down
to a single corner.
The Jersey City Police Department telephone number is (201) 547-5477.
The telephone number for the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
in Cambridge, Massachusetts is (617) 495-1100.
Source: The New York Times, May 11, 1997, p.1
Holyoke, Massachusetts - Grants to fight crime
The Holyoke Housing Authority is expected to receive $250,000 from the
HUD to help combat drug use in its housing units. The money is from the
"Public and Indian Housing Drug Elimination Program" that gives
money to public housing authorities to not only combat drug use but provide
education and treatment program to residents.
Under this grant the Authority will contract with the police department
to institute a community policing program at the site and additional police
will be contracted for other family units. On the drug education front the
grant will fund programs through the Boys & Girls Clubs, Head Start
and the Holyoke Health Center.
The Holyoke Mayor's Office number is (413) 534-2170.
Source: The Holyoke Sun, July 21,1995, p.14
New York City - Private Sector Corporations Help Rehabilitate Blighted
Properties in Exchange for a Federal Tax Break
Executives at 19 large New York City companies said on August 8, 1996
that they had invested $147 million in a program to rehabilitate rundown
city-owned apartment buildings. This investment is the largest so far in
the New York Equity Fund, an 8-year old program in which companies pay for
housing rehabilitation in exchange for federal tax breaks.
The New York City Mayor's telephone number is (212) 788-9600.
Source: The New York Times, August 9, 1996, section B, p.3
Lawrence, Massachusetts--Public/Private Cooperation. Community Needs
Housing Creativity, Patience (Editorial) Christine McKenna
Abandoned properties are eating away at the vitality of many older cities
in these recessionary times, but it is a kind of death that bears the seed
of its own rebirth, if managed wellÖA couple of weeks ago the Lawrence
City Council embarrassed itself when members rudely refused a request by
a Habitat for Humanities representative, whose organization wanted to put
together a deal that could have saved and renovated an abandoned house slated
for demolition.
Knocking these buildings down has serious implications for the future
said Abandoned Building Task Force Chairman (City Councilor) Richard Consoli.
Since May, the Neighborhood Housing Service has authorized 20 loans under
its home ownership initiative program, a consortium of conventional lenders
that has put up $65 million to be loaned for home purchase and repair over
a 10-year period in targeted low-income neighborhoods. Buyers make a 3 percent
down payment, and the lending consortium puts up 90 percent of the assessed
value of the house. Lawrence Neighborhood Housing Service fills in the gap
with a second mortgage.
The banks are willing to take a risk on buildings because they are putting
up only 90 percent of the value and because it helps them fulfill their
obligation under the Community Reinvestment Act.
The Lawrence Mayor's telephone number is (508) 794-5858.
Source: The Boston Globe (unknown date)
Waltham, Massachusetts--Downtown Revitalization
A $35 million apartment and retail development has been proposed for
the downtown Waltham area to replace Grover Croninís store that has
been closed and vacant since 1989. Mayor William Stanley said this week
that the project would revitalize downtown. It will house 281 market-rate
apartments with balconies overlooking the Charles River, along with 26,000
square feet of retail and restaurant space, and parking for 410 cars.
The Waltham Mayor's Office telephone number is (781) 893-4040.
Source: The Boston Globe, March 23, 1996 p.69
Boston, Massachusetts - Managing City Government
The Boston Management Consortium was founded in 1989 with a goal of providing
consultants to City Departments at no cost. The consortium consists of 100
member companies, universities and unions that donate top personnel to assist
with setting up strategic planning sessions and thinking about long-term
organizational change. The consultants have played significant roles in
expanding the city's crime watch networks, reclaiming abandoned buildings,
and helping parents get daily updates about their children from several
The Boston City Hall telephone number connecting all departments is (617)
Source: The Boston Globe. September 30, 1993, p.14ööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööly for one year
of intensive work and study in which they renovate abandoned buildings,
learn skills, and spend one of every two weeks in classes getting a high
school equivalency degree. YouthBuild Boston was awarded one of the stateís
first 15 charter school slots. Next year students will receive high school
diplomas rather than equivalency degrees.
The Boston Mayor's Office telephone is (617) 635-4000.
Source: The Boston Globe, February 22, 1995, p.19
Utica, New York - Master Building Crafts Skills Training Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) publication
highlighting successful programs for historic preservation chose the Utica
program as one of the most successful in the country. Participants in this
program are drawn from the county based YouthBuild Program. Participants
are trained in the construction and renovation trades while at the same
time acquiring a high school education. Learning a viable trade while earning
money is very important to the participants. This type of program could
become an increasingly important factor in the permanent revitalization,
preservation and stabilization of inner city neighborhoods.
The Executive Director of Utica Community Action's telephone number is
(315) 797-7364
Historic Preservation Initiative; The Master Building Crafts Skills Training
Program: Preparing Youth an Communities for a New Future (HUD-1680-PIH)
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts--Youth in Construction
Cities thrive or perish in neighborhoods like Hyde Square. It is the
urban equivalent of a canary in a mine shaft. Youthbuild, which trains former
gang members for construction jobs, is building a duplex on Walden Street.
Dozens of reconditioned units of housing stand on lots that neighbors had
previously identified as sources of physical blight and drug traffic.
The non-profit Neighborhood Development Corporation of Jamaica Plain
is seeking $180,000 from the city and a matching grant from the state to
renovate and rent out a six-unit, dilapidated building on nearby Gay Head
The Boston Mayor's Office telephone is (617) 635-4000.
Source: The Boston Globe, March 26, 1996, p. 10
Boston, Massachusetts--Inmates Seal Abandoned Buildings & Improve
In yellow "Suffolk County House of Correction" T-shirts a team
of eight inmates under guard is securing a vacant builööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööeloper can renovate them.
Before Project Pride panels are installed, they are covered with a thick
coat of polyurethane, so that any graffiti that does appear can be easily
The Suffolk County Sheriffís telephone is (617) 635-1000.
Source: The Boston Globe, August 1, 1992, p.15
Suffolk County, Massachusetts--Sheriff Rufo shows off his "Big
In the ultra-modern Suffolk County House of Correction inmates learn
to cut and plane the boards that they will use to nail up abandoned buildings.
The Suffolk County Sheriffís telephone is (617) 635-1000.
Source: The Boston Globe, May 23, 1997, p. 2 (3rd Section)
4. Use of the Civil Law to Control Blight
Framingham, Massachusetts - An Innovative Building Commissioner fights
Crime and Blight
The day after a house party in which a man was shot and seriously injured
Framingham Building Commissioner Lew Colten condemned the building forcing
the eviction of seven tenants. Although he had found numerous code violations,
Colten said that he would not have condemned the building if it had not
been for the shooting. What motivated him, he said, was a desire to make
Framingham crime free.
There is nothing illegal about Colten's using the state building code
to fight crime in this community of 65,000, observers say. In recent years
in larger municipalities, building departments and other inspection teams
have cooperated with police and prosecutors to close so-called crack houses.
But these buildings are often abandoned. What makes Colten's crusade
unusual is his willingness to condemn a building where rents are still being
collected and where the building is relatively intact. Last winter Colten
ran a six-week course for Framingham Police to show them how to spot code
violations that could help shut down buildings where crime may be occurring.
Another Colten program is his "Red Board" Program. He has made
up a number of heavy, reinforced plastic banners with grommets designed
to be attached to a derelict building in view of a public street. The banner
contains the City logo, City Name, and his Department's name. The banner
contains language that identifies the structure as a blighted building.
The owner's name and telephone number is printed onto a separate plastic
panel and then attached to the banner with Velcro strips. The Commissioner
is contemplating also identifying the bank or other mortgage holder. The
program, according to local sources, has succeeded beyond all expectations.
Owners of blighted buildings report being embarrassed to be publicly identified.
Sometimes people call them to offer to purchase the building to renovate
In an interview on the National Public Radio program "Fresh Air,"
broadcast nationally, Colten described this program as using shame to get
slumlords to comply with basic fire, sanitary and safety codes.
The Framingham Building Commissioner's telephone number is (508) 620-4838.
Source: The Boston Globe (unknown date)
5. Massachusetts Attorney General Initiatives
Abandoned Housing Recovery Project
The Attorney General's Abandoned Housing Task force is currently involved
in developing a project that would recover abandoned housing and, through
appointed receivers, renovate the properties to building code standards.
Costs would be billed to property owners. If the repairs are left unpaid
by the owners, the property would be foreclosed and auctioned. The goal
of the project is to attract owner-occupants who would have a vested interest
in the property.
The project was made possible through a 1993 receivership statute, Section
127I of Chapter 111 of the Massachusetts General Laws, that allows a pubic
agency to bring an action to appoint a receiver. If, upon notice to the
landlord and creditor, no action is taken by either party to undertake renovations
to bring the property up to code, the AG's Office would then seek to appoint
a receiver. The receiver would, under the statute, have a limited scope
of liability related to work undertaken at the property. The costs and expenses
incurred by the receiver would become a priority lien recoverable against
both the landlord and the property.
"Operation Take Back"
This program is designed to halt drug dealing in local neighborhoods
and return properties where dealing occurs to the neighborhood for legitimate
uses. The AG's Office, in conjunction with the county District Attorney's
Office is seeking forfeiture of apartment housing where drug dealing has
been documented.
An injunction was sought against a reality trust owner of said buildings.
The complaint filed notes nine incidents of narcotics violation over a 16-month
period in or near the apartments.
If the injunction is granted the properties would be turned over to the
state, which would then consider more appropriate uses for the buildings.
The Massachusetts Attorney General's telephone is (617) 727-2200.
Source: Massachusetts Attorney General's Bulletin describing various
programs (1995)
Reprinted with permission from the author.