Yust, John. Insurance as it relates to the fire investigator. Fire and
Arson Investigator. Vol 45 No 4 (June 1995). p 43-44.
Abstract: This article discusses how an insurance policy is obtained
and the process that an insurance company goes through in issuing a policy.
Using a hypothetical fire, the author outlines what steps both the public
sector fire investigator and the insurance company can go through to obtain
further information using the insurance policy and the information associated
with it. This includes: application of insurance; proof of loss; the policy;
PILR report; credit report; statements; reports; analysis reports; inventory
A number of terms common to the insurance industry are covered. These
include: Examination Under Oath (EUO); PILR report (Property Insurance Loss
Report); Reservations of Rights; Underwriting.
It is critical that both the public and private sector investigators
communicate and share information to allow for a successful prosecution.
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International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI)
300 Broadway Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63102-2808
Phone: 314-621-1966